Lightweight Folding Display Systems
£299.00 – £449.00
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About this product
Lightweight Folding Display Systems
- Popular lightweight folding display systems
- Designed to make it easy to create display of students work
- Folding design to save storage space
- Ideal for when your display needs a taller uninterrupted display area
- No central joint
- Each panel is joined by a full length flexible hinge
- Easy assembly - Very easy and fast to set up
- Available in a 3, 4, or 5 panel configuration
- Header panel available (YLFDS62)
- All panels are double sided and covered in loop nylon
- Accepts Velcro or Busyfix and pins
- Available in 4 standard colours or 10 extended colours (longer lead time)
- Please get in touch for deatils on extended colours
- Available as two colours, one on the front and one on the back
- Black or Grey frame
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